Monday, 13 April 2009

Ordo Sancti Graal

On Good Friday 1973 twelve people founded Ordo Sancti Graal on the summit of Parliament Hill at London’s Hampstead Heath. Following three months of spontaneous happenings, they developed into a dispersed Order of disciples with both radical and traditional approach. By this point the principal founder, namely myself, was in minor orders within an autocephalous branch of the Catholic Church in Great Britain. Seventeen years after the founding of Ordo Sancti Graal, I took Holy Orders and was later episcopally consecrated by three independent Catholic bishops.
I contributed to a Channel Four British television programme about the Holy Grail in February 1997, and a documentary film for America’s NBC channel in early 1998 which was filmed at Glastonbury Abbey in Somerset. These transmissions included the Nanteos Cup, the remnant of a wooden bowl thought by some to be the Holy Grail. A minister in the area had access to the Cup for the purpose of immersing prayer cloths in Holy Water and Chrism in the bowl to facilitate healing, also appeared in these television programmes. The Cup’s location, however, remains undisclosed.
Christianity came to Britain in the first century and is the essence of our civilisation. Lose it and we lose everything. The consequence of that loss is already apparent. On page 87 of
The Grail Church is written:
“To the native Celts the Grail Church became known as the British Church; so as to distinguish it from the Anglo-Saxon English Church. When the Anglo-Saxons adopted Roman Christianity the British Church receded until it eventually vanished. Yet the memory of the Holy Grail could not be eradicated; indeed, its symbolic potency only grew with the passing of time.”
Traditional Christianity is disappearing as atheism, relativism and heresy spread on a scale hitherto unseen. The primary purpose of the work begun at Easter 1973 is to provide spiritual sanctuary in a land awash with soul-killing materialism and moral bankruptcy by actively seeking to reclaim Britain for Christ.

A table for twelve is always set at the Order's private retreat and chapel in England. This number represents those who joined at the founding of the Order inaugurated on Good Friday 1973 at the summit of Parliament Hill, Hampstead Heath, London. The Order belongs to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which autocepahlous jurisdiction under our leadership is universally known as
Ecclesia Apostolica Jesu Christi.
Novi et æterni testamenti — it is the priest who recites these words at the consecration of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord — Hic est enim calix Sanguinis mei: novi et æterni testamenti. We stand for this inheritance which Jesus Christ gave to us. It is His Sacrifice, it is His Blood, it is His Cross, the ferment of all Christian civilisation and of all that is necessary for salvation.

The Order exists for the glory of the Most Blessed Trinity, for the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, for the love of the Church, for the love of bishops, of priests, of all the faithful, for the salvation of the world, and for the salvation of souls. By keeping the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by keeping His Sacrifice, by keeping the Eucharist — the Eucharist which has been bequeathed to us by our predecessors, the Eucharist which has been transmitted from the time of the Apostles unto this day — we shall hold fast to what is true.